Craigslist Ad Targets Scantily-Clad Video Winner


It seems our Reggae on the River video contest from last week has inspired affections aimed at the subject of the winning video

This post appeared in the "Missed Connections" section of Humboldt County Craigslist yesterday:

Reggae On River Winner - w4m - 35 (arcata jah)
I can't stop watching your video
You're a shinning star!
Those hip thrusts and swaying pelvis are magical
Hope I run into you there (ill be wearing an orange onesy version)
-Your Admirer

Can we take credit for playing matchmaker for this budding romance/creepfest at the river? Maybe. All we know is that there will be at least one, maybe two, Reggae-goers donning a Borat-style swimsuit at this year's festival. You're welcome. 

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