Ground Game 

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OF 10
Topher Simon, deputy field organizer (standing) and Eric Lowe, out-of-state volunteer. Photo by Judy Hodgson.
The nimble Obama campaign switched cover photos on a campaign brochure to take advantage of Sen. Ken Salazar’s huge popularity in Colorado. Photo by Judy Hodgson.
The Obama campaign was chronically short of bumper stickers and lawn signs but was thrilled to receive a new box of assorted buttons mid-way through October. Photo by Judy Hodgson.
Kati Garringer-MacCabe, volunteer coordinator. Photo by Judy Hodgson.
Miranda Braatz, field organizer for the Colorado Democratic Party, rearranges data for the next day’s canvass and phone shifts. Photo by Judy Hodgson.’s Super Tracker shows movement in all polls for the past several months.
Countdown to E-Day. Photo by Judy Hodgson.
EVERYONE gets their photo taken with Barack. Photo by Judy Hodgson.
Map of Colorado
On the cover: Dylan Roberts, field organizer, and Judy Hodgson pose with Obama standup. Photo by Obama camp staff.
6/10’s Super Tracker shows movement in all polls for the past several months.

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