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A few random comments. First, I do not share your dismay that the two young journalists who wrote the very sympathetic article about the illegal immigrants at Sun Valley Bulb farm have left the area (“Town Dandy,” July 24). Their headline, which included the phrase “bad immigration policy,” was pathetic. All across America, citizens are successfully resisting the traitors in government who keep the door open for these illegals and the article should have mentioned those efforts. Illegal immigration is the reason this once prosperous state, with its seventh-highest taxes in the nation, is so deeply in debt.

Next I thank Judy Hodgson for addressing the elephant in the room that Prop. 215 growing represents for our county (“From the Publisher,” July 10). The environmental community gets special shame for ignoring the many 1,000-watt bulbs undoing the progress of all the solar panels in Humboldt put together.

Lastly, thanks to Bob Doran as well as his contributors for the article telling the real story behind the KHSU flap. Local liberals are so knee jerk that they have no faculty for self examination. Along these same lines, it is equally telling that HSU has just received prestigious national recognition as “Best Western College,” in spite of the steady stream of invective directed towards its leadership by the so called “progressives”.

Lastly, to Marcy Burstiner, I believe you lionize Rich Sommerville, departed Times-Standard editor, too profusely (“Media Maven,” July 3). In my opinion, Charles Winkler, his predecessor, was the superior man on the job and a real loss when transfered. He sunk his teeth into the job, and the community, and cared and stood for what he believed in with commitment.

— Joshua Kinch, Freshwater

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