Special Sections » Summer Fun

Summer of Fun 2012



Ahh, the sounds of the season ...

"Maaaaa! Make me a sandwich!"

Or who can forget …

"Daaaaad, I'm bored. Take me to Tilt."

Or the timeless …

"Can we PLEEEZE change the channel to SpongeBob?" (or whatever they're watching now).

Yes, having the kids around the house can be pure joy. But with the annual summer surrender of local schools staring parents in the face, it might be a good idea to strategize so as not to incur more mirth than you can handle. Absence, after all … it does good stuff fer your ticker.

Thus, every year, the North Coast Journal steps it up to list your local options for "sharing" your offspring. We call it our "Summer of Fun" issue! Hopefully, for two reasons: The following programs are meant to simultaneously entertain, educate and occupy your kids, while perhaps giving you time for a little Summer Fun of your own!

So! Sit your kid(s) down at the kitchen table. Give 'em a magic marker (or if you're reading this online, teach 'em how to copy and paste, or something). Place the following listings before them. Tell 'em, "Pick out what you'd just love to do." Then, when they're done, go back through and cross out the listings with the prices they clearly weren't paying attention to.

Now, Humboldt parents, rest easy. Enjoy knowing that summer is almost here … and you have some peace and quiet scheduled!

You're welcome.


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