Teacher's Prep — Knuckling down for a hectic nine months as the school year starts 

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Fortuna High's Pam Halstead gets very excited about the first day of school: "Kind of like right before a performance, it's thrilling." Photo by David Lawlor.
Pam Halstead's fortuna High classroom. Photo by David Lawlor.
Lisa Cardenas of McKinleyville's Morris Elementary works 50-60 hours a week prepping: "Maintaining a quick pace and high interest in every subject, every moment of the day is really hard." Photo by Yulia Weeks.
Mural at Morris Elementary. Photo by Yulia Weeks.
Warren Blinn of Eureka's Alice Birney Elementary masters classroom discipline with rewards, consequences and respect: "I give them respect and I get it back." Photo by David Lawlor.
Handwriting chart in Warren Blinn's classroom. Photo by David Lawlor.
Pam Halstead's fortuna High classroom. Photo by David Lawlor.

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