

Modesty is becoming in this age of hype and megahype, but false modesty is almost as bad as the chutzpah that it contrasts with. Your choice of Kevin Hoover for best reporter, when your own Hank Sims stands at least 10 feet taller than Kevin, is an example ("Best of Humboldt," Sept. 10).

While Kevin's short attention span spots on the Arcata clown show might entertain, never does his writing have the depth or incisive view of Mr. Sims.

Years ago, Charles Winkler of the Times-Standard wrote meaningful editorials, but no one, before or since, has had his finger on the pulse like your own man, H.S. When he finally moves on to the bigger and better things he is destined for, the void will be massive. Get it right next year, please, or at least use an asterisk next to the category -- "*Professional Courtesy."

Joshua Kinch, Freshwater


Ed. reply: Bloviation ≠ reporting.



A kid-friend of mine picked up your recent copy of the "Best Of Humboldt" and now says shit, goddamn, fuckers, assholes, and asked me what a bastard was.

With the talented and creative journalists writing on your staff, I am completely disappointed at their lack of ability to come up with better adjectives. I have no interest in crippling your artistic edge, but maybe, in the future, your writers could pick up a thesaurus instead of Vice magazine.


Lesley Webb, Eureka



We at the Redwood Jazz Alliance are honored to have been included in your "Best of Humboldt" issue. We're most grateful to Bob Doran and the Journal for their coverage of our events over the past three years and this unexpected shout-out means the world to us. All of the positive feedback we've received from the community is what keeps us going at the RJA.

Out of respect to all of the extremely hardworking members of our board of directors, we need to point out that, despite our apparent universally erudite demeanor, only three of the seven of us on the board are actually professors and one of us "fanboys" is actually a fangirl, as are a number of our invaluable volunteers.

Thanks again to the Journal and to everyone in the community for your support.

Dan Aldag, Arcata


Sweet Spot: Get those children an ice cream after you wash their mouths out with soap. Lesley Webb wins a Bon Boniere sundae for sending our favorite letter of the week.

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