Metal Hearts


Valentine's Day doesn't have to be about romance — let's open this thing up to all kinds of love. You could, for example, spend the evening with a sister. No, not the one who looks just like you and steals your eyeliner and boyfriends, but the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, the ones who do all the fundraisers and would totally steal your eyeliner and boyfriends if you don't lock them down. Join the Sisters on Saturday, Feb. 14 at the Bayside Grange Hall for Shot to the Heart Bingo ($15, 18 and up).

If the song title brings back images of men and women in tight pants and big hair, good. Use that. The evening's theme and the Gods of Rock Costume Contest is all about '70s and '80s rock and metal. Tease your do, streak your blush and show up as your favorite rock star or group for a chance to win a prize. In a couple? A trio? A quartet? Whatever a table of five is called? Get your stories straight for Cupid's Cutest Couple, a game-show competition for more prizes. Not lucky in love? That's OK, maybe you'll have a better shot with the bingo mini games.

Since nothing says love like a home-cooked meal, this is a potluck party. Whip up a dish to share and scribble down the ingredients on a card, just in case of allergies. You'll be swapping recipes and basking in love before you can say "Bon Jovi."

— Jennifer Fumiko Cahill

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