Fancy Dancer


According to the Facebook user quoted on his website, Sherman Alexie "looked more Indian when his hair was long." No matter. Alexie, a Spokane/Coeur d'Alene Indian, has Native American writer cred to more than cover it. The prolific (24 books!) poet and fiction writer has a PEN/Faulkner fiction award, a PEN/Malamud short fiction award, a PEN/Hemingway citation for first fiction and a National Book award for his YA book The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-time Indian. He also wrote the genuinely funny and sweet screenplay for Smoke Signals, and the man holds can render Stephen Colbert speechless. Google it.

You've got two chances to listen to Alexie read and tell stories on Thursday, March 5. Since his book of short stories and poems War Dances is the book of the year at College of the Redwoods and Humboldt State University, he'll be speaking at both campuses. At 1 p.m., catch him at College of the Redwoods Theatre and stick around for the Q & A and book signing that follows (free). Maybe see if you can rile him up about online booksellers. Booked during the afternoon? Contact Center Arts for free tickets and listen to Alexie spin yarns at the Van Duzer Theatre at 7 p.m.

— Jennifer Fumiko Cahill

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