Music Tonight: Friday, March 17


As I have mentioned here before, I am not a fan of this holiday, mostly celebrated in this country by mixing two of our less savory national pastimes: binge drinking and lying (in this case, about being Irish). Blame it on my former life as a bartender, I have a reflexive revulsion for this green day. But let the good times roll on, Here are three worthy gigs for your consideration. Casa Nada productions is putting on a Goth Night at Synapsis at 7 p.m., featuring Dry Wedding, Dastbunny, Zero One and DJ Datura. A $10 bill gets you in the door. At the same hour, up north at the Trinidad Town Hall, you can enjoy some jazz with RLA Trio featuring guest appearances by trumpet master Nicholas D. Talvola and guitarist Doug Marcum. The entrance fee here is a sliding scale set between $10 and $20. Finally, at 9 p.m. at Humbrews, Absynth Quartet will be doing its very fine thing for whoever chooses to darken the door and spit out $10 to the warden.
Nicholas D. Talvola - SUBMITTED
  • submitted
  • Nicholas D. Talvola

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