Photos: Under the Canopy


Walking “Under the Canopy” and the Redwood Skywalk in Sequoia Park on Saturday led me to a group of Maker’s Apron Creative Reuse artists creating a sidewalk art installation lasting for a very short time and made from compostable plant materials in. Their goal — educate people about the “4 R’s” of waste reduction: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Rot (think composting).

“Our hope is to get people thinking about waste,” said artist and Maker’s Apron director Kati Texas. “If we can get their attention with something beautiful, then we can talk about the materials making up that beautiful thing.”

The artists began creating their ephemeral work at 9 a.m, by placing seeds, flowers, vegetables and vegetation (no poison oak leaves in sight) into intricate mandala designs. At noon, the designs were photographed, swept up and bagged for composting. Organic waste comprises 18 percent of the material found in landfills, making plant and food waste the third largest contributor to greenhouse gas emissions. Composting at home or through local services can turn that potential harm into healthy, plentiful plant food.

Maker’s Apron has teamed up with KEET TV’s Create channel to host community art events and educate people about the “4 R’s” of waste reduction.

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