If you've tuned in to Access Humboldt's channel 12 lately, you may have seen (or heard, if you listen to its radio station KZZH 96.7 FM at noon and 5 p.m.) the North Coast Journal Preview. In the weekly segment, members of the Journal's editorial staff sit down with host David Frank for a few minutes to talk about the stories we just went to press with. You can also subscribe to the NCJ YouTube channel — click the little red button! — for weekly episodes. 

If aren't already familiar with Access Humboldt, let's catch you up. The nonprofit media organization is hunkered down on the Eureka High School campus, where it offers members video and audio equipment training for working in the field or in its fully equipped studio. (That podcast you've been daydreaming about? AH can help with that.) Access Humboldt runs four TV channels on Suddenlink: edc8 (covering local education institutes); civic10 (covering local government and public meetings); AH-11 and AH-12 (airing video submissions from local residents and organizations).

Miss your favorite KHSU programs? KZZH, which you can also stream online, has picked up a few others besides the North Coast Journal Preview, including: Food For Thought, Radio Centro, Radio Bilingue Weekly Newscast, Live Your Language, Community Calendar, Sound Ecology, EcoNews Report, Cosmic Calendar, Here’s A Story, Looking Back, Redwood Wonk (formerly Thursday Night Talk), Cool Solutions and Democracy Now. Learn more about the organization and its work bringing news and information to our community here

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