Economic Report: 'Moderately Dismal'



Woof. The latest issue of the Humboldt Economic Index is a major bummer. The leading indicators of our economic health "universally soured in November," the report states. The monthly economic barometer, assembled by students in H.S.U.'s economics department, measures changes (with seasonal adjustments) in six sectors of the local economy. Here are the lowlights:

  • Unemployment claims -- up

  • Help wanted ads -- down

  • Number of building permits issued -- down

  • Number of homes sold -- down (albeit slightly)

  • Median price of a home -- down

  • Retail sales -- down

  • Lumber manufacturing -- down

  • Hospitality -- down

See? Bummer. Perhaps searching for a silver lining, the authors of the report note that national markets are faring better than ours, so things might start looking up "if local trends mimic general ones." And one more bright (?) note: Local gas prices fell four cents to $3.94 per gallon. Just in time for Christmas.

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