The New Airport Name is a Real Mouthful



I suppose this is what you end up with when you rename an airport by committee — an unwieldy 13-syllable Franken-name that no one will ever use in conversation. Ever.

Today the Humboldt County Board of Supervisors voted five-zip to change the name of the Arcata-Eureka Airport to (deep breath) "California Redwood Coast — Humboldt County Airport." What, no mention of oysters? Can't we fit the Kinetic Sculpture Race in there? And Bigfoot! Where is Bigfoot?!

The top vote-getter on a list of suggestions compiled by county staff was the much more elegant "Humboldt Redwoods Regional Airport." But instead the board went with a suggestion offered by the 15-syllable Humboldt County Aviation Advisory Committee.

On the bright side, the new name will give people something to read while waiting for delayed flights.


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