Providence Eureka House Receives $4.3 million for Homeless Housing


Visual design for the Providence Eureka House - ST. JOSEPH HEALTH
  • St. Joseph Health
  • Visual design for the Providence Eureka House
Gov. Gavin Newsom has allocated $137 million in Homekey Awards, $4.3 million of which will go to Humboldt County, states an email sent by a spokesperson for the California Department of Housing and Community Development.

Homekey is California's $600 million program to purchase and rehabilitate housing – including hotels, motels, vacant apartment buildings and other properties – and convert them into permanent, long-term housing for people experiencing or at risk of experiencing homelessness, who are at high risk for serious illness and are impacted by COVID-19.

According to the state announcement, the funding will go to the Providence Eureka house, led by St. Joseph's Hospital, and aid in converting the Humboldt Inn on Fourth street into permanent homes and housing for people exiting hospitals who still need medical care.

The Providence Eureka House will allow 42 units to serve as permanent supportive housing, and 6 units to provide recuperative care services to
people experiencing homelessness who are exiting hospitals but still needing medical care. Providence Eureka House is a 48-unit permanent supportive housing motel conversion.

Read the full email and Homekey awardees fact sheet detail about Humboldt County below.

Today, Governor Gavin Newsom announced $137 million in the third round of Homekey awards — California’s nation-leading $600 million program to purchase and rehabilitate housing – including hotels, motels, vacant apartment buildings and other properties – and convert them into permanent, long-term housing for people experiencing or at risk of experiencing homelessness, who are at high risk for serious illness, and are impacted by COVID-19. (View press release)

Humboldt County receives a $4.3 million Homekey award

The proposed Homekey project will allow 42 units to serve as permanent supportive housing, and 6 units to provide recuperative care services to people experiencing homelessness who are exiting hospitals, but still needing medical care.
Humboldt County converting motel to permanent homes and
housing for people exiting hospitals who still need medical care

Location: Humboldt County
Region: Balance of State
Applicant: Humboldt County
Project name: Providence Eureka House
Award amount: $4,306,455
About the project: The proposed Homekey project will allow 42 units to serve as permanent supportive housing, and 6 units to provide recuperative care services to people experiencing homelessness who are exiting hospitals, but still needing medical care.
Highlights: This project is a 48-unit permanent supportive housing motel conversion.

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