Art Walks + Festivals » Trinidad Art Nights

Trinidad Art Night

May 25, 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. (some times vary)


Featuring Barking Dogma at the Saunders Park bandstand and Ponies of Harmony in Trinidad Town Hall. This town-wide walk includes a variety of live music, artist receptions, crafts, face painting, skate ramps, pop-up sales, oyster, cider or wine tastings, and more. Presented by Forbes & Associates - Sarah Corliss; produced by Westhaven Center for the Arts. For more info, call (707) 834-2479 or visit

THE LIGHTHOUSE GRILL 355 Main St. Jeff Stanley, paintings.

SAUNDERS PLAZA EAST (Bandstand) 355 Main St. Music by Barking Dogma. Face painting by Lela Annotto Arts.

HEADIES PIZZA AND POUR 359 Main St. Erica Brooks, oil paintings.

TRINIDAD MUSEUM 400 Janis Court. "Orick Over Time," David Zuber and Mary Spinas Kline, photography/curation. The Native Plant Garden behind the museum is in bloom and open for strolling.

BEACHCOMBER CAFE 363 Trinity St. Sean Griggs, surf art. Music TBA.

TRINIDAD SCHOOL 300 Trinity St. Skate ramps.

TRINIDAD CIVIC CLUB ROOM 409 Trinity St. Event Information Station. From 2 to 8 p.m.: "Unique One-of-a-Kind Driftwood Creations," Carol Brainerd, driftwood art; Matt Dodge, Mara Friedman and Faye Zierer, artwork; framed art show posters, Diego Rivera, Pat Holeman and Simon Silva; Zack Stanton, Kenneth Tinkham, Wendy Carney, photography; oil painting of Jesus displayed with a collection of crucifixes from around the world for sale, as well as donated art. Proceeds benefit the Memorial Lighthouse Monument.

TRINIDAD TOWN HALL 409 Trinity St. Music by Ponies of Harmony.

TRINIDAD ART GALLERY 490 Trinity St. Rachel Robinson and Howdy Emerson, landscape paintings; music by Howdy Emerson and JD Jeffries. Snacks and wine pour benefiting Trinidad Coastal Land Trust.

TRINIDAD BAY EATERY & Gallery 607 Parker St. "The North Coast," by Jimmy Callian, photography; wine tasting featuring Miles Garrett Wines hosted by Miles and Carla Garrett. Oyster bar from 4 to 8 p.m.

MOONSTONE CROSSING 529 Trinity St. Genise Smith, digital art; music by Songwriter Sage from 6 to 7:30 p.m.; Moonstone Crossing wine tasting with snacks or Dick Taylor chocolates.

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