Heads up, Humboldt:
While the county's masking mandate has been lifted, Public Health is still strongly recommending masking indoors in public, social distancing and "avoiding crowds and poorly ventilated spaces." COVID-19 is still with us, so be sure to check the protocols at event venues.


Disability Peer Support Group

When: Fridays, 3 p.m.

Are you or do you identify as a Disability Peer, and would you like to work with like minded Disability peers in supporting each other? Then the TCIL Peer Support Group might be the group for you. What is a Disability Peer? … An individual with one or multiple of the following Disabilities: Cognitive, Mental, Physical, Hearing, Vision, Traumatic Brain Injury/Head Injury, Learning Disability, Developmental Disability… other. Email [email protected] for the Zoom link.

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