Heads up, Humboldt:
While the county's masking mandate has been lifted, Public Health is still strongly recommending masking indoors in public, social distancing and "avoiding crowds and poorly ventilated spaces." COVID-19 is still with us, so be sure to check the protocols at event venues.

Music, Live Bands

Sleepytime Gorilla Museum

When: Thu., Feb. 29, 8 p.m. 2024

Sleepytime Gorilla Museum (SGM) - the most gloriously unclassifiable American band in existence - is bringing back the apocalypse.The esteemed curators of SGM are proud to announce a series of Grand Reopening tours, recordings, and related events.On any given night, SGM's live set careens from euphoric to eerie to ego-annihilating wall-of-sound. Gleefully dark and joyful noise emanates from a wild array of instruments, many homemade. Crowds are engulfed in circuitous melody, strange bursts of color and light, unknowable time signatures, spasmodic dance.

Price: $20/25

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