Letters + Opinion » Mailbox

About KHSU



In response to the last letter regarding KHSU, those of us who were at the Community Advisory Board meeting know that this is not about Katie Whiteside alone, but the new policies of removing the local programming from the community station.

Katie was the canary in the mine shaft ... The new General Manager, Peter Fretwell, was hired to clean house. His work history is available. He originates from Spokane, Washington, and was working in much different communities from ours. His fundamentalist Christian background and work experience will demonstrate that he is a square peg here. What needs to happen is a community takeover of the station. Can we do this? The Blue Ox housed its station. The BBC was originally housed in Sunnybrae.

I hope you all attend the next Community Advisory Board meeting, the last Wednesday of the month. 

Ginni Hassrick, Bayside


For those KHSU members who have withdrawn their financial support due to the "Katie debacle," please send an email to David Reed stating that you are ending your membership and why you are doing so — [email protected]. Both actions should have more of an impact than either one alone and, perhaps, together we can bring Katie back to our air waves.

Rita Carole, McKinleyville


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