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Bad Call



I read the North Coast Journal nearly every week and generally am not overly informed or even that interested in the small town, "community" rag. That being said, I read your article "Service Call" about presumptive City Councilmember Heidi Messner in the Sept. 22 issue and was both disappointed and saddened that you would write such a hagiography about a religious zealot being handed a role in our local government.

No tough questions were asked and the notion that any of her youthful exploits did anything to make her strong or more capable of understanding the plight of the downtrodden is absurd. Peddling a false history and exploiting the ignorance of "Third World" peoples for the purpose of proselytizing, rather than simply giving food, clothes or money is an abominable act of selfishness. I understand that a lot of this occurred while she was young and her (now divorced) parents made it a part of her life. However, none of these exploits are to be honored or celebrated.

I have lived in Eureka for two long years and am perpetually disappointed by the over acceptance of both hyper-left leaning politicos and militant right-leaning "conservatives" and, as a journalist, you should — and your readers should — expect tough questions from our representatives. Especially if their particular views don't align with those of the community at large.

While I also understand that there may be a backlash toward someone writing honestly about a political figure, especially in a small town, it is worth it to bring an honest and objective view of said politicians.

Christopher Wise, Eureka

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