Collegiate Logging Sports Competition / Forestry Clubs Conclave 

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Photo by Mark Larson
Birling involves hopping and spinning on a log with an opponent and trying to spill them into the chilly water. The Logging Sports Team members dressed up with a Hawaiian theme on Wednesday, including Addie Jones of Northern Arizona University on the left.
Photo by Mark Larson
This birling competitor, Mikaela Lippon of Colorado State University, added a cone head cap and fancy skirt and stockings while competing...but she didn't stay dry for long.
Photo by Mark Larson
These two reached the finals for females in birling and Norah Steed (left) of Oregon State University was the last one standing.
Photo by Mark Larson
Wednesday featured the double-bladed ax throw by competitors.
Photo by Mark Larson
Wednesday's caber toss is a traditional Highland games event where competitors balance and toss a large wooden pole for distance.
Photo by Mark Larson
The Single Buck saw competition is one of the most grueling speed events. Nicknamed the "misery whip," this saw started as a lumberjack's go-to handsaw and evolved into today's racing saw. The assistant provided the WD-40 spray to reduce friction on the saw and inserted a wedge into the cut near the end of the sawing.
Photo by Mark Larson
CPH Logging Sports Team members Kendra Gerstenberg handled the single buck saw and Frankie Daumberger supplied the WD-40 for the saw and the wedge for the cut.
Photo by Mark Larson
Visiting grade school children on Thursday morning cheered on the horizonal speed chopping contestants (many of whom donned protective metal footwear gear).
Photo by Mark Larson
The University of Idaho Logging Sports Team wore these matching t-shirts.
Photo by Mark Larson
Thursday's obstacle pole timed race asked competitors like CPH Logging Sports Team member Frankie Daumberger (wearing spike-soled footwear) to race from the far end of this log while carrying a chain saw and make their way back up the slanted log to the far end. There they start up their chainsaw and cut off the end of the log, while next shutting off their chainsaw and racing back down the log without falling off and heading back to the starting point.
Photo by Mark Larson
After CPH Logging Sports Team member Frankie Daumberger raced up to the end of this log while carrying a chain saw, she then stopped and fired it up, and began cutting off the end of the log,
Photo by Mark Larson
Crowds of grade school children carrying balloons from the Redwood Region Logging Conference stopped by to watch the obstacle pole race after touring the Cal Fire helicopters in the background.
Photo by Mark Larson
Many of the visiting Logging Sports Team student athletes pitched tents at Redwood Acres near the competition field to save money on housing and made some of their own meals during the Collegiate Logging Sports Competition; the Conclave provided lunch on Wed-Fri and a banquet dinner on Friday.
Photo by Mark Larson
Spectators perched on available redwood logs to watch the Collegiate Logging Sports Competition, part of the 84th annual American Western Forestry Clubs Conclave.
Photo by Mark Larson
CPH Logging Sports Team member Jackson Rice wore his unique handmade team jacket created from patches cut out of old T-shirts on Thursday, along with other teammates in similar attire.
Photo by Mark Larson
In a timed power saw event, competitors were challenged to use their chainsaw to cut down to half way on the log and then cut up from the bottom to the finish the cut.
Photo by Mark Larson
As this power saw competitor finished her cut up from the bottom of the log, the slab of wood caught the moving blade and spun off up into the air.
Photo by Mark Larson
Thursday afternoon featured speed climbers on these towering log poles using sleel gaffs strapped to their legs and boots for traction and a rope wrapped around the pole to help climb. Competitors were belayed with a safety rope in case they slipped and fell.
Photo by Mark Larson
Speed climber Addie Jones, a member of Northern Arizona University's Logging Sports Team, paused before her pole climb began to give a "heart" signal to family and friends watching her performaance.
Photo by Mark Larson
Speed climber Samantha Erwin of the CPH Logging Sports Team raced up to the 30-foot-high finish line for female contestants.
Photo by Mark Larson
Carson Wilson, Colorado State University team captain, paused for a look up at the 50-foot-high finish line before he began his timed heat in the speed climb.
Photo by Mark Larson
Carson Wilson, Colorado State University team captain, kept his eye on the 50-foot-high finish line in his timed heat in the speed climb.
Photo by Mark Larson
A rack of sharpened saw blades were ready and waiting for Friday's challenging double buck competition.
Photo by Mark Larson
Double buck competitors Ed Laskey (left) and Ellis Brandt from the CPH Logging Sports Team began their timed heat on Friday. CPH Logging Sports Team member Frankie Daumberger stretched out in her grease monkey role atop the log, spraying WD-40 on the saw to lubricate it and placing a wedge into the top of the cut.
Photo by Mark Larson
Double buck competitors Sean Pope (left) and Mateo Muro from the CPH Logging Sports Team finished their timed heat on Friday. CPH Logging Sports Team member Frankie Daumberger in her grease monkey role sprayed WD-40 on the saw to lubricate it.
Photo by Mark Larson
Friday's timed steeple competition involved competitors racing from the starting line carrying a chain saw and small gas container to the first of a line of logs, putting the gas container down and starting the chainsaw, cutting a slice off the log, shutting off the chain saw, picking up the gas container, and racing to the next vertical log, and repeating through the line of logs and then racing back to the starting line.
Photo by Mark Larson
CPH Logging Sports Team member Zoey Cardoza stepped into her timed vertical chopping heat on Friday under the watchful eyes of her father and mother from Fresno in the background. "She's a beast," said her proud dad.
Photo by Mark Larson
As Friday's competitions wound down, the University of California, Berkeley Logging Team gathered for a group photo.
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Photo by Mark Larson
The University of Idaho Logging Sports Team wore these matching t-shirts.

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