Letters + Opinion » Mailbox

In Response



In the Dec. 29 issue Jane Fusek wrote a letter responding to my "Gardening for Caterpillars" article that appeared in the Dec. 15 issue. Fusek wrote that when she went on the National Wildlife Foundation website, as I suggested, she found a general listing for trees and shrubs, several of which were not local to or suitable for our area.

Regrettably, this is because the NWF website can be confusing if you aren't careful to type in the entire website address as given in my article. If you simply type in www.nwf.org and then search for "Native Plant Finder" the information that comes up is not specific to your zip code. You must type in www.nwf.org/NativePlantFinder/. Then, once you're on the website, you can enter your zip code and the correct list will appear.

Donna Wildearth, Eureka

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