Klamath: Direct Action! 

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Klamath Justice Coalition activists block a log road in December 2009 to protect spiritual trails. Photo by Craig Tucker.
Craig Tucker, spokesman for the Karuk Tribe, shows others his knot-tying skills -- important for tree-climbing. From left: an Earth First! climber (masked); Tucker; Annelia Hillman; and Molli White. Photo by Malcolm Terence.
Molli White dangles from a line as she learns the art of tree-climbing, Earth First!-style. Photo by Malcolm Terence.
Six Rivers National Forest Supervisor Tyrone Kelley talks with Orleans community members at a December 2007 collaborative meeting. Photo by Malcolm Terence.
Molli White,with her son Chaas, demonstrate at Warren Buffett’s 2006 shareholders meeting in Omaha. Photo courtesy the Klamath-Salmon Media Collaborative.
Molli White, left, and Annelia Hillman prepare elk meat for the Klamath Justice Coalition dinner. Photo by Malcolm Terence.
Leaf Hillman, director of the Karuk Department of Natural Resources. Photo by Malcolm Terence.
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