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Sneakers, Ropes




I read with interest Heidi Walters' article on sneaker waves ("Sneaker Savvy," March 10). Over a year ago and soon after the State Parks issued a rogue wave warning, they were informed in writing that the rope fence they have erected on Clam Beach poses a significant and unnecessary hazard to beach users. In the event of a sneaker or rogue wave, a child, adult or a person on horseback could be seriously injured if caught up in the fence. Simple signs without the rope would certainly suffice.

They responded by saying that the public should know wave conditions before going to the beach. Heidi's article pointed out one cannot really know when a sneaker wave will strike. Increasing risk to the public is strictly against the w10c-approved permit on file with the Coastal Commission for its restoration project.

Uri Driscoll, Arcata


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