Letters + Opinion » Mailbox

'A Source of Solutions'



It is true that Six Rivers National Forest Service, for the first 20 years after designating the Horse Mountain Botanical Area, let unmanaged target shooting continue. They have been unable to protect the botanical resource ("Trouble on the Mountain," Jan. 11). That is changing, at governmental pace, as protocol allows for public input. This spring the forest botanist will be sending out a large mailing to initiate the scoping process. This is the first step, on the federal level, to request a closure of this area to target shooting. After the scoping letter goes out and the plan becomes an official proposal, the general public will be invited to submit public comment. We are really encouraged by the current steps being taken by the Forest Service, and will be following their progress closely.

The California Native Plant Society — North Coast Chapter, is working with Six Rivers National Forest. We are offering this email address to provide a more immediate means of communication about target shooting and other recreation on Horse Mountain: [email protected]. The Forest Service and we want to hear from the people using the forest. We know they are a source of solutions as well as observations.

Carol Ralph, Arcata

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