Letters + Opinion » Mailbox

'An Inspiring View'



After many years, I recently ventured back up Monument Road and up along Bear River Ridge ("Why I support Terr-Gen's Wind Project," June 27, and "Hook, Line and Turbine," July 4). It was so rewarding to see such an inspiring view unchanged by the decades and I encourage anyone who loves this place to go there.

The thought of desecrating these pastoral ridges with an industrial wind farm when offshore installations and solar power will provide more than enough electricity is extremely unpopular for the people not only in nearby towns, and the ranchers living and working there, but for those of us forced to look at 600-foot towers with their flashing lights. Go there. The proposed project would be an unnecessary visual blight from the Arcata bottoms to Stafford and every coastal ridge in between.

Howard Russell, Eureka

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