Letters + Opinion » Mailbox

Don't Displace Us



Really, Lost Coast? You want to be found? "Your city. Your voice. This matters." That's on a 5-by-8 card I found in my mailbox addressed to Postal Customer Eureka, CA 95502. The card announces that, "The city of Eureka has partnered with Eddy Alexander, a marketing and growth consulting firm, to develop a strategic community brand and tourism marketing program. Your input will help us understand the community's shared vision and values." ('A Comedy of Errors,' June 6.)

My input is that we don't need/want such a program. We can see tourists in Old Town any day. They come because the Lost Coast hasn't been found yet. Eureka sells itself on its own. And at a pace that doesn't displace those of us who live here.

Who is the city of Eureka that wants to become a brand sold by Eddie Alexander? And what's this going to cost? Take that money and invest it in what is already going on here: music and dancing at Madaket Plaza, bands playing all over Old Town, the weekly farmers market, movies in the park, city walls and electric boxes serving as canvas for local artists, etc. Want more exposure? Send the North Coast Journal far and wide.

What Eddie Alexander is going to do for us is wake up Wall Street and the investment opportunists: real estate here will get bought up, held and sold as prices go up.

Andrés Steinmetz, Eureka

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