Everyone in Humboldt County should read the comments I submitted against this project ("The Cost of Wind," June 6). If you do, you will probably never think of wind energy as green again. The reason is because most impacts are hidden behind fraudulent and deceptive research. In my comments I give plenty of examples and if needed could provide 100 times more. The so-called bird migration eagle and murrelet research conducted for this project is dreadful and I explain exactly why.
When looking over this DEIR, it is important to understand the wind industry playbook. With this industry's turbine-related research surveys, studies and methods, they may be consistent with some state and federal guidelines but all these guidelines are worthless because they do not adhere to or require scientific principles. Making matters worse, desperately needed wind turbine impact research that adheres to scientific principles is being deliberately avoided by government agencies, universities and conservation groups. As a result, wind energy developers sit back and proclaim that their research is telling truth. But what's really taking place is that the wind industry's contrived nonscientific research is being created to "lie" for developers.
This industry understands how to create false research and it gets away with it because there are "voluntary" guidelines. In legal terms, these USFWS guidelines are suggestions and the truth is not required. The USFWS has secretly collected (but doesn't report) the carcasses of thousands of eagles, endangered species, etc., picked up from wind farm freezers. They have been doing this for decades. But as I know from my interview with an employed wind tech in 2016, not all eagles are given to the USFWS. Currently, the Denver Eagle Repository is receiving about 3,000 eagles a year. My estimate is that 25,000 to 30,000 of these eagles have been collected from wind farms since 1995.
Jim Wiegand, Redding