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Fourth District Supervisor



Natalie Arroyo will add to the functional diversity of the Board of Supervisors. Groups work optimally when problem-solvers bring wide experiences and perspectives to decision-making. Natalie will bring balance to the board.

Natalie has made informed decisions as a Eureka City Council Member, nonprofit planner, and reserve officer.

In "Last Call for Coho" (July 7, 2011), Natalie considers contexts, complexities and community solutions — including personal responsibility, which she models.

Regarding good governance, Natalie said: "We need to build a Humboldt government where morale is high, processes make sense, residents feel confident and there are strong relationships with local tribes, cities ... public and private partners."

Join me in supporting Arroyo for Supervisor. She is endorsed by the Yurok Tribe, labor councils, Healthcare for All — Humboldt: www.arroyoforsupervisor.com

Ali Ong Lee, Bayside


Mike Newman is not fit to serve on the Humboldt County Board of Supervisors. I've done business with him and chatted with him at business mixers, but I cannot vote for him. His record as a Eureka council member shows he is only interested in holding the community back.

As a council member, he chickened out of supporting a symbolic letter of apology to the Wiyot for the city's role in the massacre on Indian Island. He also voted against the City supporting the Jefferson Community Center, which did not stop its momentum but did create resentment toward the city that is still felt to this day. 

Mike Newman held back the city from fulfilling what the community wanted, leaving future councils to clean up the mess left behind. I can see him doing no different as a supervisor for Humboldt County.

Allison Edrington, Eureka


I believe Mike Newman is the best option for the Fourth District.

I have followed the Humboldt County Planning Commission for years and respect his decision making process, even though I may disagree with his decision. He doesn't go into a meeting with his mind already made up. He weighs all the facts, listens to the presentation and testimony, then asks pertinent follow up questions for clarity before formalizing an opinion. 

He is a fair and honest person. Mike is transparent of all conflicts and recuses himself when necessary. I feel he doesn't get caught up with personal agendas and wants to continue helping shape this beautiful county into a place our children and grandchildren can be proud of.

Thomas Mulder, Benbow


County election ballots arrive this week, and for undecided voters, here's a short list of qualifications for our best choice for District Four Board of Supervisors:

The ideal candidate is someone who knows the job is one of service; has a willingness to examine the issues and listen to others; someone who is honest, and pragmatic; one who brings hope and realistic insights into our community's problems and needs, and it helps if one is experienced in public and community service.

Does this list set the bar high? Yes!

Is there anyone who can meet and exceed these standards? Yes!

Natalie Arroyo walks the talk on all these qualifications, and she has the service record to prove it. A vote for Natalie Arroyo is a vote for the very best choice for District Four Board of Supervisors. Vote for Natalie Arroyo.

Sheila Evans, Eureka

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