Letters + Opinion » Mailbox

'I Remained Invisible'



This is an open letter to all who organize events, such as Transgender Day of Visibility, and other trans and queer events, locally ("#WeWillNotBeErassed," Nov. 29, shared on the Journal's Facebook page March 31 for Trans Day of Visibility).

Please consider folks with accessibility issues when arranging these events.

Specifically, at the Transgender Day of Visibility event, there was no way for folks like me, with a walker, to navigate the tables in the room to be able to sit and participate.

Non-specifically, all the events held on the Humboldt State University are not available for those with a handicap. To attend, we are expected to walk great distances, uphill and down — or pay a price of $9 in order to have the "privilege" of parking in a handicap space on campus.

Clearly, for folks with handicap issues, to be "visible" in the trans and queer programs and events, we need and deserve, accessibility issues to be addressed and available to us.

As it was, I remained "invisible" on Transgender Day of Visibility.

Jesse J. Doty, Eureka

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