Letters + Opinion » Mailbox

Ideas Requested, Ideas Delivered



In response to Jennifer Fumiko-Cahill and Thadeus Greenson's request ("A Word from the Lying Media," June 7) for more letters from readers and ideas for future reporting:

Global warming is a thing, a critical thing. How about a weekly column that reflects "best practices" of what other cities and counties are doing to combat warming/extinction? Role models are always helpful.

In our ever-changing county, how about an annual centerfold demographic of "who we are?" How about a series of centerfold posters of various news, topics and art?

Solutions to homelessness tend to follow the humanization of people who are homeless. How about a compassionate look at three homeless, Humboldt residents each week? Homelessness may not be news but if there were people still homeless from a natural catastrophe that happened a year ago, the Journal would probably report on them weekly until every last one was housed again. Our houseless neighbors are suffering from an even deeper catastrophe. They urgently need our immediate help.

Other voices seldom heard are Native residents and, well, anyone who isn't white. Please invite their voices more often. Being pro-actively more inclusive increases readership, making for a wider and wiser community discussion of the topics of the day.

How about expanding the number of cartoons that have social commentary? We live in extraordinary times. Let's acknowledge that more sharply.

The marijuana industry is convulsing. Our economic fate hangs in the balance. Can we track this a little more closely? Can we talk about climate change immigration and other elements that may comprise or bear upon the next economic wave in Humboldt?

May we please have a quarterly "State of the Environment" report?

Fhyre Phoenix, McKinleyville


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