The turnout for the Women's March in Eureka was inspiring and heartening. Reading Cheri Ward's letter (Mailbox, Feb. 1) it occurred to me that she is likely not alone in vacillating between the feelings of being empowered at the march and feeling defeated again afterward. If she and others are looking for a constructive outlet, may I suggest getting involved with The Power (to the People) Lunch group?
These are local people making a difference on a national, statewide and local level. Lead by former Arcata City Councilmember Elizabeth Conner, these are brief, fun and productive sessions where community-minded individuals gather for an hour or two twice a month to make phone calls to elected officials and other decision makers. Call sheets are well researched so they are effective and timely and include summaries of the issue, who to call with phone numbers and skillfully written scripts that make a simple ask or comment. You might be calling on a topic of economic or social justice, environmental protection or other key progressive issue but you can be assured that your time will be well used. Great homemade food is served and you rub shoulders with others in our community, many of whom were at the march and all of whom want to make a difference.
The Power Lunch is held the second and fourth Thursday of each month on the Ninth Street side of the Creamery Building in Arcata (follow the sandwich board sign) and people can learn more details by going to the Power Lunch Humboldt page on Facebook. If you want to take action and feel empowered, Power Lunch Humboldt is a great group to join!
If you're willing to travel this election season, or for friends of yours who might live in a Congressional swing districts (the closest is the 10th in Sacramento), I would also suggest signing up with SwingLeft.org to help us take back Congress this midterm election. Primaries start in a matter of months, so now is the time to get on board.
The dream lives on.
Richard Salzman, Arcata