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'Little in Return'

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Nordic Aquafarms wants its fish factory bad. They will need a whole lot of cold, clean water. They will take it and turn it into warm, dirty water — all the while using vast quantities of fossil fuels.

They have no intention of working with us as requested by our local environmental protectors — that is, by using 100-percent renewable energy. Marianne Naess, Nordic's executive vice president of commercial operations, responds that we need to "make sure the facility is commercially feasible." Scott Thompson, another Nordic wag, says they want to "reserve the ability to negotiate electric prices."

Scott Thompson also says "problems can be ironed out enough to get permits in six months." At least, that's what he's telling his boss.

Nordic Aquafarms wants to satisfy their investors for the next 30 years.

We get little in return, while they use up our precious natural resources.

Pamela Markovich, Arcata


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