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'Make it Forever Unnecessary'



Many heartfelt thanks to all the volunteers who logged several 10-hour days working to give free health care to so many of our friends and neighbors who lack basic healthcare access. Medical professionals gave their time and expertise and scores of helpers worked selflessly to ensure that so many were relieved of pain and disabilities. What a spectacular display!  

Also, many thanks to the North Coast Journal for its article two weeks ago alerting the public about the event ("Nonprofit Brings Free Dental, Medical Clinic to Humboldt," July 4) and last week for coverage of it ("Humboldt Lines Up for Free Care," July 18). We especially note and appreciate the mention of the volunteers from our group, Health Care for All (also, Physicians for a National Health Program), whose Humboldt chapters have been working the last decade to bring public understanding to the one solution to the very healthcare inadequacies that inspired this free-care event.

We salute CareForce for its efforts and at the same time hope that public awareness and action will make it forever unnecessary in the future when we adopt a universal, single-payer healthcare system.

Patty Harvey, Willow Creek

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