Letters + Opinion » Mailbox

Measure J



The Humboldt Lodging Alliance urges voters on June 7 to reject Measure J, which would place an extra 2-percent tax burden on hotels in unincorporated Humboldt County. The proposal would raise the transient occupancy tax to 12 percent, higher than surrounding counties and cities within Humboldt County.

Like other Humboldt businesses, hoteliers think now isn't the time to raise taxes. There's too much uncertainty in the economy, especially with rising gas prices and inflation as Humboldt recovers from the pandemic. The misleading language on the ballot suggests it will support worthy causes, like road repairs and the arts. Actually, the extra revenue will go into the General Fund, which means it could be used for anything. Given the lack of progress with earmarked county programs like Project Trellis, the HLA recommends a no vote.

Chuck Leishman, Eureka

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