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More Questions Than Answers



"Document Sheds Light on Principal Perry's Reassignment" (May 16), raises more questions about Northern Humboldt Union High School District's (NHUHSD) decision to demote Mr. Perry than it answers, whilst placing him in an untenable position due to student confidentiality.

Mr. Perry was successful principal of Six Rivers prior to appointment at Arcata High School (AHS). Why didn't Mr. Macdonald know, after years as superintendent, that he (allegedly) didn't complete suspension paperwork correctly?

Districts have various suspension "signature and review" policies as part of the managerial structure. AHS has one vice principal for 1,000-plus students, and no school resource officer (SRO). By any measure it's understaffed, and an open campus, which doesn't help. An additional VP, and hiring an SRO, should be district priorities.

Based on the timeline, what "happened" occurred early in Mr. Perry's tenure. Why retain him? Perhaps he learned, and his performance improved. Regarding the threat investigation, there's no substantive information. From personal experience, AHS doesn't contact law enforcement in most "threat" situations, preferring de-escalation through communication, following district policy.

Mr. Macdonald's tone is authoritarian: "If you do not make an appointment with me, I will assume you fully understand your obligations and are prepared to comply with them." Leadership is an ongoing relationship requiring trust, and collaborative respect. Both his tone, and disclosure of the letter, should concern any administrator.

Regarding public process, the board should release the meeting dates, minutes, and costs incurred for independent counsel investigations.

The board has a responsibility to each student. Did "each" fall under this decision's umbrella? What if Mr. Perry's demotion results in greater damage? Mr. Macdonald emphasizes policies, procedures and the law. Many NHUHSD board policies were last updated in 2010 when NCLB not LCAP was California's legislated instructional policy. Perhaps the superintendent and board should look inwards.

Sue Moore, Bayside

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