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'No on F'



Rob Arkley got angry when he found out that Eureka was planning to build affordable homes on a public parking lot his employees use. He dubbed parking the "lifeblood" of downtown, and proceeded to pump over $1 million into a ballot measure to defend that parking and prevent the city from building homes for people who need them.

People, not parking spots, are the real "lifeblood" of downtown. Driving is just one way people get there. People also walk, bike and take the bus. Most efficient is when people actually live downtown, mere steps away from local businesses. We should not be surprised that Arkley wants free parking spaces for himself instead of homes for working class families. But most Eurekans don't share those priorities. I think they will see through the blizzard of disinformation paid for by Arkley's millions and vote no on Measure F.

Collin Fiske, Arcata


Measure F is a scam. If approved, it would block the sale of four city parking lots, preventing low-income new housing units. If the Jacobs Middle School site were rezoned for high-density residential use, it would likely be too expensive for low-income housing. Combined, this would make the city non-compliant with state housing laws. In that case, the state could apply the Builder's Remedy, meaning the city might lose its ability to stop any proposed development with a minimum of 20 percent affordable housing. What's even worse, the city could be stuck for legal fees for efforts to slow or block any such projects, which might result in millions of dollars that the city can't afford. In short, vote no on Measure F and skip the scam!

David Holper, Eureka

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