Letters + Opinion » Mailbox

'Outside the Box'

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Much has been said about our community's iconic eucalyptus trees. They are a touchstone for all of us in Humboldt. I rarely agree with Michelle McKeegan or Bill Pierson; on this they are on point calling to leave those trees alone.

Public works is using the scare tactic of falling limbs as a ploy to justify their over reaction for "safety." They use an example of falling limbs from a site 400-plus miles away to justify their concern.

If there were a real danger, Caltrans would have removed those trees years ago. I bicycle that section of U.S. Highway 101 four-plus times a week and drive it almost daily. Caltrans maintains those trees in a safe condition. Tree removal is a solution looking for a problem. The real solution is tree maintenance on the trail side, not removal.

Our well-compensated county planning and public works officials once again have demonstrated a failure to think creatively and "Outside the Box."

Chuck Ellsworth, Eureka



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