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Vote Madrone!



How my dad got the name Stephen SunGnome Madrone is a favorite family story.

His last name had already been changed when his mother was remarried, so my parents decided on a new family name: Madrone. Chosen for its far reaching branches and deep roots, Madrone could not be more fitting for our family.

And SunGnome? When my sister was 4, playing hide and seek, my dad popped up from behind a stump, making her laugh and squeal, "You're like a sun gnome!" It stuck. She kept calling him a sun gnome and soon so was everyone else. He loved that nickname from his spunky little daughter and made it his middle name. Some might think these names weird but, for me, they speak to the kind of parent my dad is and the family values he holds. So there you have it!

Amber Madrone, McKinleyville


When there was a slight possibility to keep Sinclair Media from devouring some of our local airwaves, I called our supervisors to see if they would express concern to the FCC about this sale/takeover by this mega media giant.

I actually spoke with Mr. Sundberg. He commented how he had received calls from other people regarding this issue, yet he was totally clueless and what was worse, he was dismissive. I was basically ignored.

Then, most recently, up comes the Mercer-Fraser proposal. What a totally stupid, irresponsible, dangerous plan!! And Sundberg has no claim to its withdrawal. With all the water woes we are witness to just about everywhere, every day, who is crazy enough to want to risk our amazing supplies? There is no amount of money to replace our Mad and Trinity rivers.

A change is clearly needed. Vote for Steve Madrone!

Kathryn Travers, Eureka


For over 20 years, Steve Madrone's family and mine shared the miracles of birth, the joys of weddings and the sorrows of death. Steve, his wife and children have contributed amazing work and advocacy in Humboldt County. Throughout those years my career with underprivileged youth, fish habitat and trails allowed me to witness his tireless efforts to create the Hammond Trail and restore salmon in the Mattole.

Steve is able to cut through red tape and political divides to find creative and collaborative solutions to the issues that threaten our community. He's never been beholden to corporations or outside influences. The endorsements and contributions in this race show who represents the working people and who represents the powerful and elite. Steve has proven time and again that he does not cave to pressure, can't be bought and will never stop speaking on behalf of those who have no voice.

Phil Heidrick, McKinleyville


What a privilege to be able to vote for a candidate I can truly support, and who I believe really will have the best interests of Humboldt County people at heart.

Steve Madrone has the ideas, skills and vision to serve the Fifth District and people all over the county. He brings a real concern for people to the job of supervisor, with intelligent and well thought-out perspectives on issues from schools to elder housing, from protection of water and natural resources to approaches to cannabis that will serve all of us, not just big business.

Madrone has the expertise to help us navigate economic, social and environmental challenges, and he has the integrity to treat all sides fairly and even-handedly.

How great that someone of Steve Madrone's caliber is willing to devote himself to work for all of us. He has my vote.

Brenda Cooper, Trinidad


Watershed health should be a core issue in the Fifth District, which has four of our region's "six rivers" running through it. Thus the lack of understanding of basic principles of watershed function revealed in Supervisor Ryan Sundberg's statement that a hash lab project on the Mad River was not a threat to public health because it would be located 2 feet outside the flood plain, is startling.

Our region is a leader in pioneering the science of watershed restoration. Our scientists and restoration specialists act as consultants to governments and NGO groups all over the world. Steve Madrone has had hands-on involvement in watershed restoration since its beginnings here in Humboldt and understands the importance of watersheds to our health and economy. We need a supervisor with his experience, knowledge and commitment. If you live in the Fifth District, please get out and vote for Steve Madrone on June 5.

Emelia Berol, McKinleyville


In the 1950s and 60s, when I grew up, scouting was in its heyday and a big part of the lives of my brothers, cousins and friends. It was a big factor in building the character and skills in the ethical and productive men they became. And becoming an Eagle Scout was a big deal then. The percentage of boys involved was large, and very few were able to meet its requirements.

So this one of the many accomplishments in Steve Madrone's resume means a lot to me. It shows in his broad vision, knowledge and curiosity; his large and close family; his deep concern for fairness, community and the future of this planet; and in his energy to work hard and fight for what he thinks is right.

I think he is the best prepared of any candidate I have ever seen for Humboldt County supervisor.

Joyce King, McKinleyville


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