Operating Engineers Local #3 District 40 is fortunate to have Ryan Sundberg as our Fifth District supervisor and our political action committee has voted to endorse him in the upcoming 2018 election.
Ryan recognizes the value of union jobs and works hard to support and promote them. As a member of the California Coastal Commission, he is able to educate other commissioners and staff about the importance of union jobs on the North Coast and the critical role they play in providing living wage jobs in our region.
Jeff Hunerlach, Eureka
Ryan Sundberg is our choice for Fifth District supervisor in the 2018 election. The Building and Construction Trades Council of Humboldt and Del Norte County endorses Mr. Sundberg for his continued commitment to building a strong and diverse economy that will create jobs with family sustainable wages and benefits. His position on the California Coastal Commission gives him the opportunity to ensure that future projects on Humboldt Bay will be responsibly and safely executed with our unique community in mind.
William Burns, Eureka
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