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Yes on K!



Last week, a group of ministers, rabbis, Buddhists and tribal leaders held a press conference at the Humboldt County Courthouse to affirm their support for Measure K, the Humboldt County sanctuary measure. They also sought to challenge Sheriff William Honsal and county officials' inflated assessment of the costs of enforcing Measure K.

Subsequently, the Times-Standard ran an article calling the projected costs into question ("'Sanctuary' County Cost Estimates Appear to Have Little Basis," Sept. 26).

It is sad to see the opponents of Measure K engage in the same fear-mongering tactics as the Trump administration. Personal responsibility begins with not blaming all the problems of your own society on the foreign born.

This measure will likely save us money from not having to enforce an unfunded mandate. More importantly, it is the right thing to do.

Keep Families Together! Vote yes on Measure K!

Lisa Pelletier, Arcata

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