Letters + Opinion » Mailbox

Be Nice



Many thanks for your efforts in publishing and furnishing us with the NCJ, and free yet! Many thanks to your advertisers! But lately the negativity of so many of the contributors is distressing. Grant Scott-Goforth's article about Fortuna doctor George Jutila was particularly painful ("Blog Jammin'," Aug. 29). He has been my primary care physician for decades. He is a most caring and giving individual. Personally and professionally!

We need to remember that it is the primary action and intent of all "oversight governing bodies" to find fault, never praise. Their existence is determined by "their need to protect us from each other." Government can never take the place of human compassion and caring service. I've served my fellow man in both capacities, and know wherein I speak.

We must treat others as we desire to be treated, as in, "Do unto others as you'd have them do unto you," "Practice what you preach" and many of the old sayings of righteousness of my generation. The continuing flap attack on Dan Johnson is a perfect example (see this week's "Blog Jammin'"). His statement that his critics are more at fault than he is a perfect example of how we allow our emotions rather than common sense to direct our paths.

Doris Osburn, Fortuna

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