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Beer’s Untold Story




I barely took a swig of your story "Beer in the Headlights" (Oct. 20) before my brain froze with an important question. Where were the female taste-testers? After my head thawed a bit, I decided to sip a bit more in an attempt to answer my question. 

There it was, my answer: "Patrick Hawkins' girlfriend Amanda ... helped pour, serve and wash glasses." 

Whew, I was relieved to know that a woman was involved. Yikes! She was there to wait on the men? Ouch! That didn't bode well for all the progress I thought women made over the past few generations.

In an attempt not to jump to conclusions, I read on feeling like I needed a drink. Reaching near the bottom of the story, I lost my taste for beer, for the article or for both. 

"On Great White's prominence: 'There's a lot of women in Humboldt County.'" Tongue-in-cheek or not, the Journal's taste-test lost all credibility with this reader.

Gwen Neu, Eureka

Sweet Spot: A brain freeze is a terrible thing to waste -- so this week's Bon Boniere sundae goes to Gwen Neu.



Like the guys comprising your beer tasting panel, I too was dismayed that Great White took the crown. I'm a lady, and a longtime beer drinker -- in fact, I had my first legal drink at a craft brewery, Buffalo Bill's Brewery in my hometown of Hayward. I think Patrick Hawkins was probably in sixth grade at the time? I love beer, but I've got no interest in reading articles that feature twerpy boys a few years out of high school "elegantly" explaining that girls don't like the right beer ... and totally have cooties too! LOL!

Jenn Ferreira, Arcata 



"Beer in the headlights" was a fun read. Next time you should try and include a female beer expert in your panel.

Virgie Jimenez, Arcata


Thank you for the fun and informative article on our local breweries. If there is one thing we think could have been mentioned, it would be the amazing amount of support these companies and their staff give to the local nonprofits in this area. The Eureka Theater's Strangebrew, Hops In Humboldt, Oysters, Ales and Rails, cheese and beer parings, fundraisers for Blue Lake School, Brew at the Zoo, Pints for Nonprofits and the list can go on forever. They donate the beer, haul it to the event, and staff the pourings. On top of all that they are a great group of individuals to work with. So thank you Mad River Brewery, Lost Coast Brewery, Six Rivers Brewery, Eel River Brewery and Redwood Curtain Brewery for good beer and your generosity.

P.S.  How about a beer map showing the brew pubs, restaurants etc. for our locals and tourists?? Just like the wine maps.

Lonnie and Lynn Wellman, Fields Landing



I stopped at Big Louie's for a pizza after driving five hours from Sacramento and picked up a Journal to kill the time. Andrew Goff's article was a delight to read. I wish I had read it before ordering my non-local beer.

Jim Guida, Sacramento



I'd like to point out that you missed a beer in your survey of Humboldt's best beers. Lost Coast Brewery has a pale ale that is sold in the restaurant as Lost Coast Brewery Pale Ale. Lost Coast also bottles this brew in 22 ounce bottles and it is sold in local markets as Windshield Owl Pale Ale and benefits the Humboldt Wildlife Care Center. I think that it is important to point out that Lost Coast Brewery has made an enormous effort to help out a local nonprofit by allowing their beer to be relabeled as Windshield Owl Pale Ale. Almost a dollar of every bottle goes to support the Humboldt Wildlife Care Center and helps us care for sick, injured, and orphaned native wildlife. We want to thank Lost Coast Brewery for all their help.

John Kelsey, Arcata


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