Letters + Opinion » Mailbox

Creative Cover!



We were excited to see graphic artist Lynn Jones' creative reuse of materials for the North Coast Journal's "Summer of Fun" (May 9) issue! Our mission at SCRAP Humboldt, the county's first nonprofit creative reuse center, is to inspire creative reuse and environmentally sustainable behavior by providing educational programs and affordable materials to the community. In our new space on 101 H St. Suite D in Arcata we accept a variety of materials for donation, offer workshops and showcase artists who create products out of at least 75 percent reused materials. April was our first month open, and we diverted approximately 4,000 pounds of materials from the waste stream. Transforming how we view materials and waste is important to sustainability and to our community. Thank you for showcasing creative reuse on your cover!

Tibora Girczyc-Blum, Arcata

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