To answer Harry Wells (Mailbox, Nov. 17): Maybe you're confused. There's only one Jesus and one Savior and He never came to be a political leader. Yes, He sets an example and empowers us to individually relate to our neighbors, family, outcasts, the poor, the rich and our leaders, but in an election we aren't electing a savior, we are electing a political leader and his/her platform that will have our sovereign country's best interests in mind regarding freedom, economics, trade, the Constitution, the innocent/guilty, immigration, Supreme Court justices, etc. I believe most of the anti-Trump camp does not understand his bravado, sarcasm, lack of "political correctness" and rhetoric, while at the same time they swallow every negative tidbit and nuance they can from the ratings-driven MSM [mainstream media] without bothering to check the facts.
I don't condone bad behavior but, if it's from 10 years ago, I'm likely to hope for better now, while also noting that there is not one who is righteous, except for Jesus. I'm glad to see some of the other Mailbox letters also include the current truth about also-flawed Hillary (lying under oath, cheating, stealing, foundation fraud, indifferent about a dead ambassador, no apologies, demanding and arrogant, too) while she was supposed to be "serving us in politics."
With all the post-election chaos, you'd think their goddess and her agenda for open borders, more broken welfare programs, outsourcing jobs and taxpayer-paid murder-on-demand just got toppled. Let's hope so, for our country's sake. Either way, we've all got two years until we can do anything about it, civilly-speaking.
Janet Sclar, Hydesville
I appreciated Judy's reflections concerning the presidential election outcome ("Didn't See that Coming," Nov. 10).
I am writing because most of my friends, much of my community and I myself am feeling extreme disappointment, unease and shock following the outcome of the presidential election. But in these days of uncertainty and division it is heart warming to know that simple human kindness still not only exists, but crosses all party, political, geographic and other divides.
Please join me in taking a moment to contemplate that fact. What holds us together and makes us better and stronger is our common humanity. Most of us recognize and are concerned about the world's problems, and have empathy for those who suffer and are less well off. I doubt that any of us sees war or violence as the answer to anything. Generally, our differences are not over recognizing what ails us, but rather over who has the best prescription for curing the illnesses. Isn't the fact that we all want to make things better for humanity important enough to draw us together in dialogue rather than castigate each other for our disagreements over solutions?
I have lived long enough to have learned that I am not smart enough to know all the answers or even all the questions. I do know this though — life is better when we care for each other and when we take a precious moment to be kind to each other. May we all work together to make this world a humane and peaceful place.
Carilyn Hammer Goldammer, Arcata
Hey Journal, what's up?? ("Let's Get to Work," Nov. 17.)
It's not over until it's over, and it is definitely not over! A final vote by the electors of the electoral college for the president of the United States is this Dec. 19 ... a little less than a month away. All hope is not lost. It's a long shot, but not without possibility ... another dramatic change can be made to happen. We have got to try!
There is a petition that can be signed on www.change.org beseeching members of the college to alter their vote to Hillary Clinton. KHUM DJ Lindsey Battle had a wonderful interview with Daniel Faulk on Nov. 20 regarding the electoral college and other strategies we can take to try to turn this horrifying nightmare around.
This very informative broadcast can be found on their podcast at www.khum.com. I repeat, we have to try!
Kathryn Travers, Eureka
Regarding your (Nov. 17) cover story, "Let's Talk About It," it is said history repeats itself. But history is an abstraction; it is human behavior that repeats itself.
Our limbic systems, the reptilian parts of our brain — fear, flight, fight — cause us to repeat the same patterns over and over, as peoples and individuals.
Man's tragedy is his refusal to face this. "Life is a very sad piece of buffoonery," lamented the playwright Luigi Pirandello, owing to "our need to deceive ourselves constantly."
Example: Today, we hear, again and again, "I don't agree with everything Mr. Trump says, but ... .«
In the 1930s, the British upper classes said, "I don't agree with everything Mr. Hitler says, but ... "
The clarion call of Sir Winston Churchill in the Commons in 1935 was ignored because people refused to believe World War I would repeat itself. "There is nothing new in the story" of the human drama, Churchill intoned. "It is as old as the Sibylline books. It falls into that long, dismal catalog of the fruitlessness of experience and the confirmed unteachability of mankind. Want of foresight, unwillingess to act when action would be simple and effective, lack of clear thinking, confusion of counsel ... these are the features which constitute the endless repetition of history."
Our best hope is combating bigotry and racial stereotypes with a deeper understanding of neuroscience and how our limbic systems work.
In the meantime, we humans remain "a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma."
Paul Mann, McKinleyville
The "Let's Get to Work" was a fine editorial. It's also time to be honest why the results were what they were.
I've only seen preliminary data, but it appears both minority and female voting (mostly democrat) turnout was down considerably, as was the under-23 turnout. Thus, it was the lower than usual turnout of women and minorities that may explain why Mr. Trump is president.
The widely held belief that a vote does not matter is a myth of gigantic proportions, as we have just seen.
Wish I could check public records to see whether the protesters voted or even are registered. I suspect few are as the under-23 vote appears also to be down considerably. Also wish I had the authority to require a voter registration card in order to obtain a "license to bitch" at government or politicians.
Bruce Haston, McKinleyville
With many thanks to the residents of Arcata, ballot measures H and I were passed (NCJ Daily, Nov. 10)! The Arcata Elementary School District can now plan for upgrading and repairing classrooms, as well as addressing immediate maintenance and safety concerns. We will be able to maintain art, music and dance programs; retain certificated teachers and our class sizes; and increase mental health services for students. The district is grateful to the many Arcatans who supported these measures with more than 73 percent of the vote. The students of the district benefit by Arcata's dedication to education.
Progress of the implementation of these measures will be posted on the district's website, www.arcataschooldistrict.org, including performance and annual audits. An independent citizen's oversight committee will be established to ensure that bond and parcel tax funds are properly spent.
As superintendent, I write this on behalf of the Arcata Elementary School District Board of Trustees, which extends a hearty thank you to our district residents. Your decision to support measures H and I will allow the district to significantly improve the quality of education and school facilities to more than 500 local students. Your investment will benefit Arcata for many years to come!
Barbara Short, McKinleyville