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In Praise of Giving




Many are called to give to the poor and needy as documented in the oldest manuscript still available to read. Abraham gave generously to strangers, giving them food and lodging for as long as they needed. Likewise, countless others have given freely, unconditionally to countless needy persons for thousands of years.

So it is curious how a lady giving out "brown sack lunches" could be considered a "Betty Chin copycat" ("Waiting for Chinn," Jan. 3). If the writer had researched who she was, it would be discovered that this woman has been giving out lunches long before she knew of Betty Chinn.

In 2008, the Homeless Connect Day was held, with three hot meals, clothes, medical attention, showers, laundry and social services offered to veterans, children and the elderly. It was attended by hundreds of persons from the Eureka area. This effort involved several church communities and was held at the Episcopal Church. Doctors, nurses and social workers from several denominations came, donating their expertise to this high risk population.
This lady with "brown sack lunches" was a major coordinator to this event.

All followers of God are called to give.  It is designed to be a selfless act encouraging community thinking and involvement.

I would request that a retraction be printed. An apology to all persons of our community who give much of their fixed incomes, visit people in hospitals and prisons, take food to single parents, and selflessly give to charities.
But especially an apology is needed to that particular lady who for more years than we can count has been making "brown sack lunches" and giving them to more than 200 people she has personally befriended.

Martha S. Meade, Blue Lake

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