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In Praise of Squires




I have rented from Floyd Squires for over six years, and I disagree with "Limbo Land" (Aug. 16). I've been here to witness him fixing the front and back door almost weekly.

People will rent from him and then pay one month's rent. When they don't have the next month's rent and have already damaged the apartment beyond their ability to recover their deposits, they destroy as much as they can, then leave. Sometimes their damage is in the thousands of dollars. Every time he replaces the extinguishers somebody breaks or steals them.

I've never had any trouble getting any repairs that I ask for.

Vagrants break in the building. They leave feces everywhere, garbage, needles, etc. So for those who are mad, pay your rent and keep your place clean. Get repairs as needed. Floyd and Betty Squires are most people's last resort because nobody will take a chance with them.

Everybody pointing fingers either wants free living or they are room jumpers. Floyd and Betty Squires have been excellent owners. I also pay my rent.

One man trying to keep his building safe can't stop people from breaking in; it's only a misdemeanor, trespassing. My shower broke, and within 24 hours I had a working one again.
So before you judge and point fingers, he provides living space for the poorer people and gets screwed in the long run.

Jacky Lee Brown, Eureka

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