
Good grief!  How blind is this area?  ("Where's Walmart?" Aug. 11) The mall tore the businesses in Old Town apart!  Target and K-Marts are barely filling their parking lots, and now you bring in Walmart?  Walmart doesn't pay the business taxes other big-box stores pay to the cities who welcome them. Walmart discriminates against seniors and women. Walmart cares little for their staff nor the cities they inhabit.  Costco pays all employees well and gives great benefits!  It keeps a very low profile.  Target gives to the community according to its contracts with the areas they do business.  However, Walmart?  Nooooo!  Has anyone in Humboldt been polled to their views on Walmart?  I thought we turned it down before. How about keeping our local businesses health? And well, if there is empty space in the mall ... what comes around goes around!

Ginni Hassrick, Bayside

  Sweet Spot: Ginni Hassrick, a master of righteous indignation that's both pithy and truly righteous, wins this week's Bon Boniere sundae.


My hat's off to Don Anderson (Mailbox, Aug. 4) for a true look at what Wally World can do to a community. We don't need a Walmart here. It's going hurt our lives. Don Anderson is telling it like it is.

More businesses will close up and we will be left with junk from a junky store. Tourism is our big draw here. Tourists like our quant stores. They don't want see big box stores here; they come here from the incorporated areas to our hometown atmosphere.

Marietta Christensen, Loleta


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