Letters + Opinion » Mailbox

Opportunity Knocks




Regarding last week's cover story, "Saving Sam," I'd like to suggest a free, holistic resource for people who survived trauma (be it war, child abuse, illness, or something else). My free (yes, free) book Holistic Self-Care for Post-Traumatic Stress & Dissociative Identity can be downloaded from amyweintraub.com/resources.htm or sent by e-mail from [email protected].

Humboldt county's long-time mental health advocate Marianne Pennekamp, Ph.D. says of the book "We -- patients, families, friends, community members and service providers -- all need the multidimensional self-help knowlege Dr. Grace's ground-breaking book explores and documents so well. Her book is an empowering, intriguing page-turner and I recommend it highly!"

I invite helping professionals as well as trauma survivors to spread the word about this unique, free resource.

— Cindee Grace, Eureka

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