Letters + Opinion » Mailbox

Rail Worth Saving




I'd like to comment on Rees Hughes' article ("Walk on the Wild Side of 101," Jan. 19), and to commend Stacey Becker for her response (Mailbox, Jan. 26). I'm thankful that Mr. Hughes at least said, "rail to trail or rail and trail." To those who wrote opposing the rail I would say the track is anything but vacant land, and giving up the "dream of the railroad" is to ignore our own history.

The railroads are an integral part of our local history, and it saddens me to think they might be completely erased from our present. There is an enthusiastic group of people working to restore rail activity around the bay.  Their efforts should be honored.

One of the things that I love about this area is a general desire for inclusiveness. I'm certain a trail can be devised that also maintains the rail for rail traffic.

Consider the city of Los Angeles, which years ago dismantled its rail system, and has recently spent billions to rebuild it. Even if our track is only used occasionally for excursions and for history education for our children, it is worth maintaining it for its original purpose.

Howdy Emerson, Trinidad

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