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Single Payer Now



The GOP supports the right to life in its platform. The mission of the right to life is "to protect and defend the most fundamental right of humankind, the right of every innocent human being from the beginning of life to natural death." The Declaration of Independence states that "all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life..." The Republicans are against abortion and assisted suicide. The right to life is denied in Trumpcare ("Huffman, Humboldt Residents, Decry House Passage of 'TrumpCare,'" posted May 4).

The Republicans passed a bill in the House that is about repealing Obamacare. The bill allows states to eliminate guaranteed healthcare based upon pre-existing conditions, the most popular part of Obamacare. The states would set up high risk pools with high deductibles and high costs that would make them unaffordable for low to moderate income families. The bill mandates block grants to states for Medicaid that removes millions of low income Americans from Medicaid. The Republicans are denying healthcare to millions of Americans ultimately leading to the death of Americans and denying these individuals the right to liberty.

The problem with healthcare is the dramatically rising costs each year. The cost of health care in America is twice that of western developed nations. Politicians do not to want to address the real issue. The solution is a single-payer healthcare system that eliminates health insurance companies and allows the government to negotiate prices to become more competitive. Capitalism is based upon profit. Our rights are based upon the need to serve everyone. Health insurance can be deducted from our paychecks like Medicare and Social Security with no caps on the amount of income so individuals will pay per their income and not their age.

Winchell Dillenbeck, McKinleyville

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